Plus Life
Now Casting Nationwide
+LIFE is back and what better way to kick off a new year than by spreading positive vibes and wholesome optimism!
Just like Covid, we have all evolved as we jump into season 4 of this unique lifestyle series that aims to inspire its viewers on how they can also live #THEBESTLIFE possible!
Found exclusively on ABC Network’s Localish Channel, +LIFE is a highly contagious mindset that is always trending in the right direction ⬆.
If you or someone you know has something good going on in their life that could help benefit others, we'd love to hear about it.
Anyone can apply by simply filling out the application form below. Tell us what your +LIFE looks like.
This casting is open to everyone!
We're very open to ANY and ALL types of stories.
⭐This production is filmed 100% remotely, no travel necessary. All interviews will be held via Skype or Zoom.
Questions? Email Us